Get Your Wings
Wings of Positive Change
"Let Your Life Make a Ripple of Positive Change"
Kindness Challenge
Volunteer Time & Resource
This week’s lesson in Human School is about being mindful of serving those around you along with lessons of true giving. Real giving doesn’t require a thank you note in return. It doesn’t require acknowledgement or credit. It is given to someone freely with no obligation, no contract, no agreement, no payment or emotional attachment. Learning how to truly give freely is the sign of a great human being. Freely giving could involve time, space, personal assistance, money or acts of service.
#ripplekindness #beagoodperson #icanhelp #wearestronger #letitshine #truegiving
At 44 years old I fell in love and started a new family. To better understand the significance of my new family, you should also know that I had 3 pregnancies in my life that did not make it to birth. I had prayed for years for children, and now I had two girls. I should also include that when we met, they were 12 and 15. There is no easy button for “stepping” into the lives of two teenage girls. I don’t think it was intentional, but our plans seemed to always included the girls. We dated, all 4 of us. We played, talked, got to know each other and eventually fell in love.
When Doug proposed to me, his daughters both got on one knee and read me a proposal asking me to marry them. After each girl got down on one knee and read me a wedding proposal, Doug then got down between them and together THEY asked me to marry them. It was one of the biggest life changing moments of my life. We all four planned the wedding. My father was the officiant. Together four flames became one when we lit the unity candle. On January 3, 2004 we became a family!
One of the first word studies I did with the girls was in teaching the difference between a gift and an obligation. This is such an important lesson. If someone feels obligated to do something for you, without their consent, they are robbed of their joy in giving. When we are able to act freely and willingly, as a gift, it fills our souls! It restores the character of generosity.
Giving is completely different when it truly comes from the heart. It may involve giving of your time, space, personal assistance, money or acts of service.
I want you to practice “freely giving”. I want you to check your spirit before you give to make sure it is YOUR idea. Act from a personal desire to do good, not because you have been challenged, or feel obligated. Set your intention to do good for others. Pay attention!
Train your instinct to know IF your help is welcome and appropriate, WHEN the time is right to help, and HOW to best help. Be sure to act of your own free will. Be sure to do it out of your character of generosity.
Real giving doesn’t require a thank you note in return. It doesn’t require acknowledgement or credit. Gifts are given freely with no obligation, no contract, no agreement, no payment, no emotional attachment. Learning how to truly give freely is the sign of a great human being.
Pay Attention
Here are a few examples of giving freely:
- Paying off a layaway for a family in need
- Buying a cup of coffee for the car behind you
- Opening a door
- Holding an elevator door when you see someone coming
- Letting someone with a few items jump in the checkout line ahead of you
Word Study
Being a volunteer means that you are offering something – something that is not required nor an obligation. … Most of the time, to volunteer means that you are working side by side with others. This connects you to other human beings as you are working toward a common goal. When you volunteer, you are making connections.
A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.
An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment. “I have an obligation to look after her“

Same QR, New Content - EVERY DAY!
Week THREE Daily PlanTUESDAY: Kindness Challenge Resources >Special Week THREE Wallpapers for your phone/desktop, flyers, signs
WEDNESDAY: Kindness Kick, “Volunteer Your Time” (Short Film)
FRIDAY: Kindness Tune, Music to Build Momentum, “We Are The World by Michael Jackson and Friends” (video)
SATURDAY: Kindness Kraze, A Kind Idea, “Pay It Forward” (PDF)
My Goals This Week
- I plan to scan the KindnessQR each day this week and add moments of kindness to my life.
- I’m going to share the KindessQR with friend, family and co-workers.
- I will check my intentions when giving this holiday and be sure to give without obligation
- I will pay attention and look for opportunities to volunteer help with people near-by.
Dig Deeper
I love This is a wonderful source for finding volunteer needs in your area. Once you sign up, you will be given opportunities to participate in tons of local events and activities.
Print "I AM" Stickers
Click on the image above then save it to your computer. Upload the file to your label print provider of your choice. NOTE: The label is meant to be printed as a 2"x2" but the sticker in the upload is actually 2.5"x2.5" to allow for trim.
Buy Smiley Stickers
Available from Oriental Trading, stock up on fun and affordable Smile Face Sticker Rolls. These sparkling, shiny smile faces in an assortment of fun colors are an easy way to brighten anyone's day!
100 - 1 1/2" stickers per roll are $2.59 ea
My Sticker Face
Toni is famous for igniting happiness by sharing happy faces, butterflies, the new 1 in a million sticker, or face stickers from (save 15% with the code totallytoni)
About Human School
The best moments in life are those that illuminate our hearts with sparks of joy. One of these moments was when my great-niece Maegen shared her first diary page with me. She had just begun to write, and I bought her a pink “Hello Kitty” diary. She came to me and opened it to a page with a big smile. She had written 5 simple words that began my commitment to build Human School. She wrote, “You are my favorite human.” At the time, I didn’t remember people using those words. Doug and I immediately adopted a love language of saying to each other, “You’re my favorite human.” What a worthy goal, to be someone’s favorite human. Today’s society is filled with disagreement, people taking sides, and competition. In Darwins, The Descent of Man, he explained the origin of what he called sympathy (which today would be termed empathy, altruism, or compassion) as an essential part of human nature. The current social climate moves us away from our human nature to be cooperative and compassionate. Human School is designed to encourage and inspire the BEST of your human nature. Each lesson contains practices to establish new positive routines for your day with exercises to establish best of your humanity as routine. Are you ready to make a commitment to your humanity? This unique series on human school focuses on the practices of human kindness. When given the change to be right or be kind, let’s choose kindness. Take time to share this with your family, friends, co-workers, and customers. Our mission is to create decisive moments that transform the world around you. Thanks for joining me for Human School. Let’s practice daily kindness in our world!

Toni Blake
My Vision
My vision is to create a positive resource to move the world toward good with one million positive social posts hashtagged #1Mmoments. Then, when a person feels they can find no good in the world, they know they can go to #1Mmoments to see happy family, friendship, love, kindness, compassion, cooperation and love.
My Mission
My mission is to bring positive change to our world. I love the idea of the Butterly Effect and the power of one. That one small change in atmosphere can produce tremendous change as it gathers strength. One million moments of positive change in the world is about small moments with one person reaching out and sharing kindness, compassion and cooperation. I believe there are kind people all over the world just looking for a plan of action. Here it is! Thanks for being one in a million and transforming our world with kindness.
Let Toni inspire momentum within your team
Toni’s “laugh while you learn” approach has motivated, educated, inspired lives and companies for over 40 years, undeniably pointing their trajectory towards success.
Friends With Wings

Join Toni
Things to do:
- Set a daily alarm to scan the QR
- Set a weekly alarm to begin your next Kindness Challenge each Tuesday.
- Ask friends, family, customers, co-workers and clients to join you in the Kindness Challenge
- Create social posts tag with #thekindnesschallenge, #ripplekindness
- Introduce the Kindness Challenge to your company.
- Introduce The Kindness Challenge to your church, civic organization or group to #ripplekindness